– People who require insulin
– Pregnant women
– Breastfeeding women
– Not hypertensive
– Do not use in children

It is not good to mix any type of medication with alcohol. In the event that you drink alcohol while doing the treatment, LIPOFIT EXTREME will delay the process of losing weight by 48 hours.

You will ONLY feel hot for the first two weeks (depending on the organism). This symptom is due to the natural detoxification period that LIPOFIT EXTREME carries out in your body. For this reason, it is recommended that you drink plenty of water. With Lipofit Extreme you will not have TACHYCARDIA, NOR HEADACHES, NOR WILL YOUR PRESSURE RISE, SINCE IT DOES NOT CONTAIN SUBUTRAMINE OR AMPHETS.

If you don’t drink water, YOU WILL NOT GO DOWN. The consumption of a glass of water every 15 or 20 minutes throughout the day is recommended.

You should preferably avoid those that contain a greater amount of sugar such as: grapes, bananas, pineapple and watermelon.

If you do any kind of physical exercise it will triple the effect. Preferably do 20 to 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise:
walking, dancing, swimming, etc.

All kinds of food, except those that contain sugar (white, brown, panela, honey). Obviously, if you maintain a healthy diet; it will go down faster. Eat 3 to 5 times a day small portions. Remember: eat healthy.

It all depends on how much weight you want to lose. The time will depend on the speed of your body. Once you reach your ideal weight, you will not take Lipofit extreme again, as it DOES NOT HAVE A REBOUND EFFECT.

Lipofit Extreme is a powerful thermogenic, since it works as a metabolism accelerator in your body. If you have a fast metabolism, you will burn many more calories during the day. Lipofit Extreme uses your fat as energy resulting in successful weight loss in a short time. In this way the fat is eliminated through urine or evacuated in the bathroom.

First we must clarify that sweating is not synonymous with losing weight. Your body eliminates excess fluids and toxins, and when you sweat during physical activity you will increase thermogenesis.

There is diabetes caused by obesity that is in which you do not require insulin. If you are a diabetic who does not require insulin then yes
You can take it at your own risk, since it is not recommended that a person with diabetes consume weight reducers regardless of the brand. This is the basic recommendation indicated by the World Health Federation. If you inject insulin for nothing in the world you can consume products to lose weight because they can cause damage to your health. This is because the chemicals mixed with the insulin that enters the body will directly harm the pancreas.

You can take 3 months in a row. If you want to keep losing weight; You must rest for a month (after 3 months in a row) and then you can resume again.

Not in any way. Lipofit extreme is 100% natural, and one of its beneficial functions is to detoxify the liver, pancreas, kidneys and intestines. All this will make your body work properly.

YES! Among the characteristics and qualities of Lipofit extreme is: regulate the endocrine system, such as the thyroid and hormonal functions of the body.

If you suffer from any congenital disease, have undergone surgery one or several times, have suffered or have cancer, have undergone organ transplants, or are considered to be in Frail and require care or treatment specials; it is recommended NOT TO CONSUME Lipofit extreme.

The speed with which you see results will depend SOLELY AND EXCLUSIVELY on YOUR ORGANISM. A person with overweight, thyroid or slow metabolism problems; it will take a few more days to start seeing her weight decrease.